Some Typical Issues

Some typical issues 

• You have a product or service with the potential for an international roll-out? 
LSI guides you through the possible constructions. Will it be an agency or distribution model? Exclusive or not? Is working with wholly owned subsidiaries an option? Or a franchise? Once the choice has been made LSI attends to the contractual and corporate aspects while ensuring a quick implementation. 
• Does your sales department generate great turnover but a significant number of transactions appears to have been poorly documented once there is a customer conflict? 
LSI checks the sales documentation, adapts it where necessary, drafts new sets as required and trains the sales team as to how to properly close a transaction. 
• The prestigious law firm of a partner or important customer in the US burdens you with a voluminous draft in English for a new project. How to proceed? 
You do not have to call up another big firm to help you out. LSI knows its way with these firms and is most able to efficiently negotiate such contracts for you. With the direct communication and a practical approach which are so typical for the LSI approach you will have satisfactory result on time and at considerably lower cost. 

• A promising customer in Turkey buys your product in ever increasing volumes. Too late you discover that you have extended credit that this particular customer is not able to repay as due. How to collect this sizable claim? 
LSI uses its international network of business contacts and smaller local law firms in order to maximize pressure and to ensure a successful recovery. Most of the time LSI accepts a partial 'no cure, no pay' arrangement.  
• Your Board has approved a strategic investment in starting up production in India. Who will manage the entire legal process of getting started with a newly built plant? Which law firm to trust and work with?  
LSI has many years of experience and a reliable network of law firms in India. LSI negotiates the required contracts, arranges for a proper local corporate environment and involves law firms if and to the extent required. You can rely on one single point of contact: LSI.  
• Product development calls for close cooperation with a university? 
LSI defines the scope and advises as to the IP aspects. You will start up the cooperation with a workable and complete collaboration contract. 
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